We Service:
Major Hazard Facilities
Industrial Facilities
Warehouse and Distribution Facilities
Commercial Facilities
Transport Infrastructure
Civil Infrastructure
Marine Infrastructure
Water Infrastructure
We Deliver:
Environmental Impact Assessments
Risk and Hazard Assessments
Environmental Licensing
Development Approvals
Expert Advice
Site Environmental Compliance Reviews
Construction Environmental Management Plans
Operational Environmental Management Plans
Rehabilitation Plans
CPESC Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP)
With a background that was forged from managing chemicals with high potential for environmental impacts combined with extensive approvals and regulatory experience our team is well placed to deliver pragmatic environmental outcomes for our clients.
We understand how to effectively manage the more challenging aspects of environmental compliance and approvals with experience in environmental impacts associated with air and odour emissions, contamination, wastes, stormwater management, sediment and erosion control. We revel in the challenge of working on new or novel projects, applying our broad skill base to deliver best for project outcomes.
Our wealth of experience not just within the consulting industry, but also hands-on within the operational and manufacturing sectors, means that we are able to provide expert advice that prioritises the balance between performance, compliance, and feasibility.

We Service:
Large-scale Renewables
Major Hazard Facilities
Industrial Facilities
Warehouse and Distribution Facilities
Commercial Facilities
Chemical Manufacturing Facilities
We Deliver:
Risk and Hazard Assessments
Compliance Assessments
Preliminary Hazard Assessments (PHA)
FMEA Studies
Safety in Design – CHAIR Studies
Fault Tree and Event Analysis
Consequence Modelling (Fire and Explosion)
Safety Management Systems
Air Quality Impact Assessments
Construction Environmental Management Plan
Operational Environmental Management Plan
Site Environmental Compliance Review
icubed draws on over 50 years of combined experience in managing a wide range of industrial risk. We have worked with all classes of hazardous and dangerous goods; including explosives, flammables, combustibles, oxidisers, environmentally hazardous materials and reactive substances on sites ranging from minor storages to major hazard facilities.
We tailor our approach to our clients’ needs and expectations, drawing on our experience we identify the right tools for the task and our knowledge base assists in identifying practical solutions.
We pride ourselves on providing advice that is aimed at long-term value for our clients, not just short-term, band aid solutions. We don’t just look at the results and numbers; we critically review, assess, and interpret these complex issues and frame them into real words and terms that our clients can understand. We then work closely with them to find the best solutions to improve performance and manage risk.