Yarranlea Solar Farm

Location: Yarranlea, QLD

The Yarranlea Solar Farm was conceived by one of icubed consulting’s founders, Nick Canto, in 2016. icubed consulting undertook all preliminary assessments, location selection, and PV solar sizing for the project, before establishing a landowner agreement for 250 hectares of land at Yarranlea, approximately 50 km west of Toowoomba in Queensland.

All facets of the icubed business were involved in the development of the Yarranlea Solar Farm, including town planners, environmental and risk consultants, engineers, and building designers.

All required Development Approvals, Environmental Licences, and Grid Approvals for the project were obtained by icubed. icubed also undertook community consultation in addition to the planning framework. Consultation included liaison with multiple stakeholders, including local and state departments, councillors, and members of the local community by way of pop-up community evenings at the local Brookstead Hotel.
icubed also undertook civil and strucutral design and engineering for the solar farm, up to a stage where it could be purchased by a Developer and taken to construction.
The result was the development of a 103 MW (AC), 134 MWp solar farm, which was purchased by Risen Energy Australia. Risen was able to bring the project to life with construction supervision and support from icubed, and the solar farm is now providing renewable energy into the local network.

Key Personnel

Brisbane | Nick Canto – Principal Consultant
Brisbane | Morgan Warnock – Associate Environmental Consultant


Civil Engineering
Project Management
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